Increasing shared understanding of our world through community-led initiatives that make data easier to access and use.
Our Initiatives
Source Cooperative is a data publishing utility that allows trusted organizations and individuals to share using standard HTTP methods. It is currently in beta development.
Funded with support from NASA.
The Cloud-Native Geospatial Forum (CNG) collaborates with geospatial data practitioners to create vendor-neutral events, content, and educational opportunities.
Funded with support from the Taylor Geospatial Engine, Microsoft, AWS, Sparkgeo, Development Seed, Hydrosat, UC Berkeley, and others.
Radiant Earth is the fiscal partner to the Bezos Earth Fund’s AI for Climate and Nature Grand Challenge, which is exploring new ideas for multiplying the impact of climate and nature efforts using modern AI.
Funded by the Bezos Earth Fund.
Radiant Earth is the fiscal sponsor of Clay, which is creating an open foundation model of Earth based on multiple sources of satellite data.
Funded by Schmidt Futures and The Grantham Foundation.
Our Blog
Grant from Splunk Social Impact
We are happy to announce that Radiant Earth has received funding from Splunk Social Impact.
The Importance of Farm Field Boundaries
An overview of our work with the Taylor Geospatial Engine to create a common way to share field boundary data at scale.
The State of Data at SatSummit 2024
Slides and speech given at the opening plenary of SatSummit 2024.
Cloud-Native Geo Pioneers in Earth Science: Honoring the 2024 Leading Women
In honor of International Women’s Day, we are pleased to announce the 2024 Leading Women in Earth Science - 10 women transforming how we access and work with vast geospatial datasets.
Q&A with Mala Kumar, Our Newest Board Member
We are pleased to welcome Mala Kumar to our Board of Directors. In this Q&A profile, we talk with Mala about her career journey, joining our Board, and the intersections between technology and the narratives that shape our world.